Day 49 (LIST)

(49th day, 316 more days to go) My job description.

  1. I will NOT work overtime. REASON: After taxes are taken out it’s just not worth it.
  2. I will NOT have pictures on my desk.  REASON: Your job is not your home and when you decorate your desk you’re letting your boss know that you don’t plan to go anywhere.  Besides, it’ll be difficult to quit without notice when you have so much junk to go back to work for.
  3. I will NOT clock out for lunch.  REASON: Your employer may or may not realize it so might as well get paid for eating.
  4. I will NOT work a minute over quitting time. REASON: Why should I when my manager will not acknowledge it during my evaluation for a raise.  READ Post: Day 48 (Rebecca)
  5. I will NOT sacrifice my child’s health for this job.  REASON: I only have one child and I can always have another job but not another child.
  6. I will NOT use the company’s computer to look for another job.  REASON: I know someone is ALWAYS watching.
  7. I will NOT take home any office supplies that I want.  REASON: I will only take what I need!!! Thank you very much.
  8. I will NOT tell you the truth about my personal life.  REASON: Employers will hold that against you.  Hence why I don’t decorate my desk.
  9. I will NOT let my employer know of any additional skills I possess.  REASON: It’s probably not in my job description and if you’re not going to increase my pay then why should I do any more for the company.
  10. I will NOT update my Facebook status on the company’s computer.  REASON:  I will use my cellphone instead cause they do have an App for that. LOL

Love Yourself!

Written By: Maxx

About crazybabymamas

Authors of the book, "Are You A 'Crazy' Baby Mama?" which is a handbook for Single Moms. We are single moms who have RE-defined "Crazy" and celebrate ALL moms. If you're "crazy" about your kids then you're probably a "crazy" baby mama. It's about taking something that's negative and turning it into something positive. No more drama for these "Crazy" Baby Mamas. View all posts by crazybabymamas

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