To Be or Not To Be…

(84th day, 281 more days to go)…if Not to Be then get the steppin’

The most challenging part of having a vision is convincing others to see the same things that you see.  If it’s a great vision that can possibly affect lives, people will immediately believe in you and your vision.  However, if something goes wrong they’ll abandon you and your vision despite whatever goals you’ve already accomplished.  Then as you move along without them more people get on board.  A few more mishaps occur then those people jump off and the cycle of people on and off your team continues.

It’s after you succeed that those same people who abandoned you in the beginning will be the first to say, “I knew you could do it.”  A couple of friends of mines and myself were discussing this issue the other day.  It has led us to believe that there are so many fake people in this world and with all these social networks it’s easy for these people to hide behind their profile.  Why can’t people be genuinely happy for you? Why be a part of something that you help create and can’t commit 110% of your time to it?

Cheers to those Haters who will always be my motivators.  For now on when I meet new people, I will let them know up front that it was nice knowing them before they tell me their name.

Love Yourself!

Written by: Maxx

(better known as Max-Laine)

About crazybabymamas

Authors of the book, "Are You A 'Crazy' Baby Mama?" which is a handbook for Single Moms. We are single moms who have RE-defined "Crazy" and celebrate ALL moms. If you're "crazy" about your kids then you're probably a "crazy" baby mama. It's about taking something that's negative and turning it into something positive. No more drama for these "Crazy" Baby Mamas. View all posts by crazybabymamas

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